

      姓  名:
      性  別:
      職  務(wù):
      職  稱(chēng):
      學(xué)  歷:
      電  話(huà):
      傳  真:

      2023.09~今:   中國科學(xué)南京地理與湖泊研究所,副研究員(中國科學(xué)院“百人計劃”人才引進(jìn))
      2022.09~2023.06  中山大學(xué),副教授(中山大學(xué)“百人計劃”人才引進(jìn))
      2021.01~2022.07  美國康涅狄格大學(xué),博士后
      2020.11~2020.12  美國俄亥俄州立大學(xué),訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者
      2019.03~2020.10  美國俄亥俄州立大學(xué),博士后
      2018.10~2019.03  香港中文大學(xué),助理研究員
      2014.08~2018.07  香港中文大學(xué),教學(xué)助理
      2013.09~2014.07  香港中文大學(xué)深圳研究院,研究助理
      2014.08~2018.11  香港中文大學(xué),地理與資源管理學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè),博士
      2018.02~2018.04  澳大利亞昆士蘭大學(xué),博士交換生
      2017.10~2018.01  意大利帕維亞大學(xué),博士交換生
      2010.09~2013.07  中國科學(xué)院大學(xué)(培養單位:中國科學(xué)院遙感與數字地球研究所),電子與通信工程專(zhuān)業(yè),碩士
      2006.09~2010.06  武漢大學(xué),遙感科學(xué)與技術(shù)專(zhuān)業(yè),學(xué)士

      社會(huì )任職:

      2022  Contribution to Open Science for Advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,ELSEVIER
      2018  首屆粵港澳大灣區高校學(xué)生BIM-CIM創(chuàng )新大賽優(yōu)秀論文一等獎
      2017  Best Paper Award, 19th International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
      2017  Award of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing,Remote Sensing of Environment
      2016  香港中文大學(xué)全球卓越研究獎學(xué)金 (Global Scholarship Award for Research Excellence)
      [1]  Zhao, Y.*, Bonello, P., & Liu, D*. (2023). Mapping the Environmental Risk of Beech Leaf Disease in the Northeastern United States, Plant Disease. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-12-22-2908-RE.
      [2]  Zhang, H., Luo, M.*, Zhao, Y.*, Lin, L., Ge, E., Yang, Y., ... & Wang, X. (2023). HiTIC-Monthly: a monthly high spatial resolution (1 km) human thermal index collection over China during 2003–2020, Earth System Science Data, 15(1), 359–381. 
      [3]  Zhao, Y.*, & Zhu, Z. (2022). ASI: An Artificial Surface Index for Landsat 8 Imagery, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 107, 102703. 
      [4]  Zhao, Y., & Liu, D*. (2022). A robust and adaptive spatial-spectral fusion model for PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 imagery. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 59(1), 520-546. 
      [5]  Zhao, Y., Huang, B.*, Liu, D., & He, Q. (2021). A sparse representation-based fusion model for improving daily MODIS C6.1 aerosol products on a 3 km grid. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2021, 42(3), 1077-1095.
      [6]  Hao, T., Zhao, Y.*, Luo, M.*, He, Q., Han, Y., & Zeng, Z. (2021). Estimating PM2.5 from multisource data: A comparison of different machine learning models in the Pearl River Delta of China. Urban Climate, 35, 100740. 
      [7]  Wu, S., Wang, P., Tong, X., Tian, H., Zhao, Y.*, & Luo, M*. (2021). Urbanization-driven increases in summertime compound heat extremes across China. Science of The Total Environment, 799, 149166. 
      [8]  Wu, S., Chan, T., Zhang, W., Ning G., Wang, P., Tong, X., ..., Zhao, Y.*, & Luo, M*. (2021). Increasing compound heat and precipitation extremes elevated by urbanization in South China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 636777. 
      [9]  Zhao, Y., Liu, D.*, & Wei, X. (2020). Monitoring cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms at high spatiotemporal resolution by fusing Landsat and MODIS imagery. Environmental Advances, 2020, 2, 100008.
      [10]  Zhao Y., Huang B.*, & Song, H. (2018). A robust adaptive spatial and temporal image fusion model for complex land surface changes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2018, 208, 42-62. 
      [11]  Zhao, Y.*, & Huang B. (2017). A Hybrid Image Fusion Model for Generating High Spatial-Temporal-Spectral Resolution Data Using OLI-MODIS-Hyperion Satellite Imagery. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering, 11(9), 843-848.
      [12]  趙涌泉, 單小軍, & 唐娉*. (2014). 低空間分辨率多源遙感數據的空間一致性分析和相對幾何校正. 遙感技術(shù)與應用, 29(1): 155–163.  
      [1]  Li, T.*, Zhu, Z., Wang, Z., Roman, M. O., Kalb, V. L., & Zhao, Y. (2022). Continuous monitoring of nighttime light changes based on daily NASA's Black Marble product suite. Remote Sensing of Environment, 282, 113269.  
      [2]  Lin, L., Gao T.*, Luo, M.*, Ge, E., Yang, Y., Liu, Z., Zhao, Y., & Ning, G. (2020). Contribution of urbanization to the changes in extreme climate events in urban agglomerations across China. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 744, 140264. 
      [3]  李大成*, 韓啟金, & 趙涌泉. (2018). 一種單時(shí)相高分辨率遙感影像時(shí)空融合算法. 計算機工程與應用, 54(5): 191–199. 
      [4]  黃波*, & 趙涌泉. (2017). 多源衛星遙感影像時(shí)空融合研究的現狀及展望. 測繪學(xué)報, 46(10):1492–1499. 

      1. 2024.01~2026.12,項目名稱(chēng):面向星座協(xié)同觀(guān)測的甚高-中空間分辨率影像空譜融合,國家自然科學(xué)基金青年科學(xué)基金項目,項目負責人
      2. 2021.01~2022.07,項目名稱(chēng):Wide Area Terrestrial Chang Hypercube (WATCH),Office of the Director of National Intelligence/Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA),項目骨干
      3. 2019.08~2020.10,項目名稱(chēng):Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Artificial Intelligence to Manage Invasive Forest Pests,Center for Applied Plant Sciences at The Ohio State University,項目骨干
      4. 2019.03~2020.12,項目名稱(chēng):Strengthening Agricultural Geospatial Education and Research at Central State University,United States Department of Agriculture,項目骨干